GEM Journal 2011-04-14

Dear All: It was continue raining and wind was blowing very hard, cold on Wed. We went out trying to buy some food for Th. We could not stand up straight and um...

德東 Journal 2011-04-11

Hi all: It is another busy day. I am writing to you in the train on the way from Magdeburg back to Leipzig. It is now 11 pm. We still need to change train at Ha...

德東 Journal 2011-04-10

Hi all: It is another exciting day. The weather is much better than the other 2 days which were cold and windy. It is going to rain from Tu to Th and temp aroun...

德東 Journal 20110409

4/9/2011 Reba went to Braunschweig on Friday 4/8 and was picked up to fellowship directly. There were 17 attended. Many of them were non-believers. Reba started...

巴拿馬短宣的經歷 —- 霍張紅霞

1 2008-04-01 文件 一般人參加旅遊團到巴拿馬去是為了看世界出名的運河和熱帶雨林。我們的福音短宣隊去卻是到巴拿马東部鄰近哥倫比亞的Darien 州,它是巴拿馬九個州中面積最大的一個州。我們福音隊六十多人,年齡跨度由十歲至七十歲。隊員來自美國各地的教會,當中有五位醫生,四位牙醫,三位護士,四位牧師和一位長老。我...